Dragonfly-Eye (ꙮ) is an online library and image-bank. We aggregate key texts with peripheral images (reflections, connections, detours, commentaries) that radiate from the readings—transforming fragments into sites of production.
A reading is prepared with a planetarium projection of material that makes up a learning situation. Words are brought to images, and images to words by counter-statements. A dialogical reading allows for meaningful encounters, engaging a participatory, everyday conception of knowledge.
Simultaneously discovery and presentation, the constructive process creates “Ⓚlews”: threads 🧶 that stretch and connect to find commonality between ideas across history and disciplines.
A text becomes a living subject in a reader. We trace what radiates in various directions.
The overflow of citations provide zones for entering and exiting material, opening up new pathways for further inquiry. This peripheral focus is one that resonates with our methods of research.
We aim not to publish more but to make what’s been published more useful, to contribute to a readers own thinking, and to renew what might otherwise be lost.
The structure of each Ⓚlew is only one of an infinite number of possibilities and we invite collaborators to add crystals to the thread. ꙮ
Organized and edited by Now-Time. Contact: k@dragonfly-eye.online
To Think is to Speculate with Images
Klew: an archaic word for a ball of thread or yarn. Provided by Ariadne to help Theseus in the myth of the Labyrinth